So jumping in a body of water for me was something that I love doing every summer in the Pacific Ocean when the summer camp I work at goes on our weekly Beach Days to Zuma Beach in Malibu. While I enjoyed many of jumps in the water, I wanted to make a specific Shabbat water experience this weekend so Friday after spending the day in our hot heat waved contaminated building, I decided I would drive the 15 minutes to a beach I haven't ventured to since living in San Diego for the past year. I chose Mission beach and as I drove there the clouds appeared and got thicker and the wind got cold, but I decided to finish what I set out to do. So I left my sunscreen in the car, went to the sand and laid out my towel and watched the sun barely peak through the clouds.

Then I figured I might not have the opportunity to go in the water at any point this weekend so I will go put my feet in.
Every time I go to the beach I try to put my feet in because I always think about what a miracle the ocean is and how blessed I am that I have always lived so close to something so magnificent. It turns out that Saturday I was in Seaport village with some friends visiting and saw the ocean again, and Sunday spent the afternoon with my parents in La Jolla and saw the ocean again. Three times in three days I made it to the beach. Thatis amazing. Each time I was near the ocean I took a few moments to really appreciate how wonderful it is and how blessed I am. This was an amazing way to celebrate shabbat, Thanks Group Bet!
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to post something up for all of us to read! it is so nice to hear about everyone's experiences.
ReplyDeleteThat is probably because I can't figure out how to post my responses to just my group :) Woops anyone want to tell me how?